Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

My Acivity on Ramadan’

In this first week of this Ramadan month, my teachers gave me a lot of homework which were Mathematics and Chemistry. Fortunately, I could do easily and the teachers didn’t check the homework. This made me a little bit disappoint because I have sacrificed my sleep hours. Well it didn’t matter for me because it meant I could practice my Mathematics and Chemistry.

            And the next week, like a game which was the higher level must be harder than the previous level, my days were getting harder. I should study a subject that I don’t like it. I was very lazy. I felt like I lived in a bad dream. But there was one thing that made me happy because I’ve made a small ornament that I could put on the wall in my bedroom. Once I modified the ornament that I don’t need to explain here.

            Day by day passed, today was the fifteenth day of this Ramadan month. It meant that today was the middle of this month and fifteen days to go for the Aidil Fitri day. And that day one of my cousins from Singapore came here for study in Balikpapan. She came here with her mom. When her mom went back, her face looked so sad. But I entertained her by invite her to go to the mall.

            The third week, all malls became so crowded. I didn’t know what were they doing, which were they were shopping or just hanging out. And worse than you know, all the mosques weren’t like the first week of Ramadan month. A lazy feeling came to me but I still did it because it was a ‘Sunnah Rasul’.

            The last week was so fantastic for me. I was so happy because Lailatul Khaddar came. All the mosques invited the society to do a ‘Shalat Malam’. But suddenly a problem came to me, a big mouse was in my bedroom! I forcefully must chase that mouse. That meant I didn’t join the ‘Shalat Malam’. I felt so disappoint.

            The last day of this month was a tiring day. Because I must help many things like move a table and other things that make me use my strength. Well it didn’t matter. And the last words, I hope in this Ramadan could make me be a better person.

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